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A Full Range of In-Home Senior Care Services

Giving our senior and disabled loved ones the care and attention they deserve can be a full-time job. Unfortunately, because of work, kids, homes, and other responsibilities, not all of us have the additional time to give them. When you find yourself in this type of situation, it may be time to call in professional, in-home caregivers to lighten your burden and provide the care your loved one needs. ACASA Senior Care - Orange County & Las Vegas is here to lend a helping hand!


Our Full Range of In-Home Services

Our agency offers a wide array of in-home senior and disabled care services to match your loved one’s every need. Our professional staff members have the certifications, backgrounds, and hands-on experience to offer the assistance necessary to help your loved one thrive. Below is just a small sample of the supportive services we can offer you:

Meal Preparation

Eating right is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Sadly, many seniors can't shop for, plan, or prepare health-conscious meals. Our caregiver team can assist in all aspects of meal preparation, from planning and creating a grocery list to pick up and cooking the meal to completion. All meals and food requests can also be customized to any allergy or lifestyle requirement.


Many seniors or persons with disabilities have lost the means to travel by motor vehicle on their own. ACASA Senior Care staff are more than happy to arrange transportation for our clients for doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, or any other errands that must be run. All of our mobile caregivers have full insurance and proper licensing, so you can feel confident your loved one will make the trip safely.

Personal Care

Personal hygiene is not only vital for maintaining good health, but it is also essential for comfort. At times, even the simplest tasks, like bathing, dressing, cosmetic assistance, or using the bathroom, can become difficult for seniors and the disabled. We offer certified caregiver services to help with all those needs and ensure peace of mind for you and your loved one.


Our in-home care covers not only all the physical needs of our clients but also the emotional ones as well. As your loved one’s caregiver, we supply emotional support and steadfast companionship whenever and wherever they need it. We play games, try new hobbies, or do what your loved one enjoys to keep their spirits up, their minds engaged, and enhance their overall well-being.

Light Housekeeping

Maintaining a home can be a challenge, even for young people. Seniors and disabled individuals can’t always manage it on their own. Our agency provides a full range of light housekeeping work to help keep things clean and tidy, including laundry, meal preparation, household tasks, and more.

Medication Reminders

Taking medications is essential to your loved one’s health. Often, however, time can get away from them, and they can forget. Our caregivers are trained to ensure that your loved ones follow their prescribed schedule and take their vital medications every day.


Veteran’s Affairs & Specialty Care

Our veterans have served their country, and we do our utmost to give back. Our caregiving agency offers veterans and their surviving spouses helpful financial assistance and services through a benefit called Aid & Attendance to help them with long-term care costs.

There are times when our standard, high-quality level of care isn’t enough. Some of our clients have special needs – dementia, Alzheimer’s, other unique disabilities – which require the utmost, specialized attention, support, and assistance. At ACASA Senior Care - Orange County & Las Vegas, our caregivers receive specialized training to ensure we can provide the care your loved one needs, no matter the circumstance.

Get in Touch with Us Today

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care, a free in-home assessment for your love one utilizing our assessment tool, and a personalized caregiving plan.

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In-Home Senior Care in Orange County & Las Vegas