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Bring Quality Care Home

ACASA Senior Care – Orange County & Las Vegas




The Advantages of In-Home Care

ACASA Senior Care - Orange County & Las Vegas understands the desire seniors have to stay in their homes and still receive the quality care they need. Our caregivers are specially trained to meet those needs and strive to maintain the familiar, comfortable, independent living environment our clients have come to know. Our company offers personalized, compassionate supervision and in-home assistance to your loved one to keep them happy, safe, and well cared for, for as long as they need.

  • Meal Preparation
  • Transportation
  • Personal Care
  • Companionship
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Medication Reminders
  • Specialized Care
  • Get in Touch with Us Today

    Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care or details on how to apply for employment with us.

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nurse helping female patient

Why Choose ACASA Senior Care?

Choosing a companion and caregiver for your loved one is never an easy choice. You want them to be happy, safe, and secure every day. Consider the following qualifications when making your decision to choose the appropriate agency for your needs:

  •  Do they have the right qualifications and experience?
  • When are they available?
  • Can they provide the right level of dedicated care?
  • Are they affordable?

With ACASA Senior Care - Orange County & Las Vegas, you get all of that and more! We are a local, family-operated caregiver company that understands senior needs and lifestyles and responds with precise, committed service to do more.

Medication Call Reminders

Our unique service provides peace of mind and promotes the safety and well-being of those you love. We gently remind individuals to take required medications up to 5 times per day to stay on track and maintain their health. Arrange to receive free notification and confirmation of medication intakes. Access detailed records of medication usage.

ACASA Senior Care Home Wellness and Safety Checks ensure your loved one is safe and secure. It notifies you immediately if there is a problem with our rapid-response system.

All plans are easy to set up and administer Online!

Medication call reminder

Dementia & Alzheimer’s Care

If your loved one has been diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, it is essential to establish a support system to provide them with the best care possible. This type of planning often includes professional in-home care. At ACASA Senior Care - Orange County & Las Vegas, our staff can provide the skilled, at-home assistance your loved one needs to stay comfortable and safe in the familiar surroundings of their home. Our services include meal planning, bathing, personal hygiene assistance, medication appointment reminders, and more. Our company brings convenient, affordable support to your family member to help ease the demands on you.